[Answer ID: 12043]

How many usernames and groups are available with the Access Restrictions enabled?

Created 03/25/2011 08:17  |   Updated 05/06/2011 09:31

The maximum usable numbers of user names and groups when the Access Restriction is enabled is different depending on the following environment.

  • Access restriction to the user names and groups which were manually registered in the TeraStation:

    Usernames: 300 local users (including admin users and guests)
    Groups: 300 local groups.

  • Access restriction in the Active Directory environment:

    Usernames: 1000 domain users (Up to 10000 user names can be registered, however, an environment with 1001 domain users or more are not supported.)
    Groups: 1000 domain groups (Up to 10000 groups can be registered, however, an environment with 1001 domain groups or more are not supported.)

  • Access restriction in the logon-needed NT domain environment:

    Usernames: 1000 NT domain users (Up to 10000 user names can be registered, however, an environment with 1001 NT domain users or more are not supported.)
    Groups: 1000 NT domain groups (Up to 10000 groups can be registered, however, an environment with 1001 NT domain groups or more are not supported.)

  • Access restriction by delegating authentication to an external SMB server:

    Usernames: 300 users (including admin users and guests)
    Groups: 300 groups



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