[Answer ID: 12217]

How can I connect iPad/iPad 2/iPad mini to the internet by wireless connections?

Created 04/08/2011 15:31  |   Updated 04/23/2014 08:19
  1. Check SSID (12-digit Mac address or 14-digit alphanumeric characters) and the encryption key (13-digit alphanumeric characters) of a wireless main unit, then write them down.

    The encryption key is alphanumeric characters combined alphabets (a to k, m to n, p, r to y) except “l”, “o”, “q”, “z” and numbers (0 to 9).
    This example is WZR-HP-G300NH.
    There are two SSIDs and Encryption keys for 802.11a and 802.11g connection on WZR-HP-AG300H.
  2. Turn on the iPad or iPad 2 and tap [Settings] at the Home Screen.

    Press the Home button located underneath the screen frame to go back to this screen.
  3. Tap [General].
  4. Tap [Keyboard].
  5. Tap [International Keyboards].
  6. Check "English" is available.
    Tap [Wi-Fi] from the menu.
  7. Make sure the "Wi-Fi" button is ON.
    Wait for a while until the SSID searching gets completed.

    If the "OFF" button appears, a wireless feature is disabled.
    Tap the button to enable a wireless connection.
  8. Tap the SSID from the Step1 under "Choose a Network...".
    If the SSID cannot be found, scroll the list to check it.
    A key symbol appears because the wireless connection is encrypted.
  9. The screen to enter an encryption key (password) appears.
  10. Tap the encryption key written down from step 1, then tap [Join].

    The encryption key is case-sensitive.
    To enter upper-case characters, tap the “↑” button (equivalent to the shift key) then enter the value.


    1) Tap to delete characters

    2) To enter upper-case characters; tap this key to enter characters.

    3) Tap to enter numbers.


  11. When the icon of completing a wireless connection is displayed on the upper left of the screen, the setup is complete.
  12. Press the Home button and tap [Safari] to connect to the internet.
    When the internet screen appears, the setup is complete.

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