[Answer ID: 12217]
How can I connect iPad/iPad 2/iPad mini to the internet by wireless connections?
Created 04/08/2011 15:31 | Updated 04/23/2014 08:19
- Check SSID (12-digit Mac address or 14-digit alphanumeric characters) and the encryption key (13-digit alphanumeric characters) of a wireless main unit, then write them down.
The encryption key is alphanumeric characters combined alphabets (a to k, m to n, p, r to y) except “l”, “o”, “q”, “z” and numbers (0 to 9).
This example is WZR-HP-G300NH.
There are two SSIDs and Encryption keys for 802.11a and 802.11g connection on WZR-HP-AG300H. - Turn on the iPad or iPad 2 and tap [Settings] at the Home Screen.
Press the Home button located underneath the screen frame to go back to this screen.
- Tap [General].
- Tap [Keyboard].
- Tap [International Keyboards].
- Check "English" is available.
Tap [Wi-Fi] from the menu. - Make sure the "Wi-Fi" button is ON.
Wait for a while until the SSID searching gets completed.
If the "OFF" button appears, a wireless feature is disabled.
Tap the button to enable a wireless connection. - Tap the SSID from the Step1 under "Choose a Network...".
If the SSID cannot be found, scroll the list to check it.
A key symbol appears because the wireless connection is encrypted. - The screen to enter an encryption key (password) appears.
- Tap the encryption key written down from step 1, then tap [Join].
The encryption key is case-sensitive.
To enter upper-case characters, tap the “↑” button (equivalent to the shift key) then enter the value.1) Tap to delete characters
2) To enter upper-case characters; tap this key to enter characters.
3) Tap to enter numbers.
- When the icon of completing a wireless connection is displayed on the upper left of the screen, the setup is complete.
- Press the Home button and tap [Safari] to connect to the internet.
When the internet screen appears, the setup is complete.
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