[Answer ID: 14567]

The synchronization with Active Directory as well as the access restriction does not function correctly.

Created 07/30/2012 09:39  |   Updated 08/29/2014 08:40

[Confirm before starting]

  1. Check the supported OS.
  2. When the Active Directory is in use, see the restrictions.
    Restrictions on Active Directory

    When the Active Directory cannot be used due to the restrictions, a use of synchronization function with an external authentication server is recommended.

Troubleshooting in case of Active Directory setup

Contents of trouble


Active Directory Synchronization setup fails.

Check the setup items.
How can the participate to Active Directory?

The setup for synchronization with the Active Directory succeeds. However, the domain user cannot be obtained.

The following restrictions may be applicable.

  • The names of NetBIOS and DNS do not coincide with each other. The AD synchronization function cannot be used.
  • Only the single domain environment allows the AD synchronization function to be enabled.

When the Active Directory synchronization cannot be used due to restrictions, it is recommended to use the synchronization function with an external authentication server.

Trouble Shooting related to access restrictions



The access restriction cannot be set.

The access restriction the TeraStation allows is as follows. Only this configuration is possible.

  • The access restriction can be set only to the top level shared folders (i.e., share folders created in Settings).
    Neither the whole TeraStation nor sub-folders under the share folders accepts access restriction setup.
  • The access restriction can be set only in combination with User or Group name.
    An access restriction via PC name is not supported.
  • A password must be set for the user.
    When no password has been set, the access restriction fails.
An authetication window appears at the time of access.

Normally, when the TeraStation is accessed by a PC, and a folder is accessible, no authentication window appears.
Confirm that the relevant folders of the TeraStation is accessible with the same user ID and its password as for the PC login.
(Either without access restriction, or with access restriction and access permission.)

When the username and its password differ from those for the PC login, no proper operation is guaranteed.

Security setup change in case an authentication window pops up.

The security settings may prevent communication between the TeraStation and a PC.

  • When the synchronization function for the authentication server is used, change the security level in the PC.
  • Disable any security software and firewall and try to access.

When the domain is in use, set the domain participation of the TeraStation again.

Set the TeraStation as Workgroup temporarily, followed by power off.
Delete the TeraStation information in the domain server, re-start it, and set the domain participation.

The method to delete the TeraStation information in a domain server may vary up to servers. Refer to the server manual.

Example: Windows Server 2003
Procedure to reset the TeraStation name on a domain server

  1. Navigate to [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Management Tool], then double-click [Active Directory User and Computer].
  2. Select [Computers] and select the name of the TeraStation. Select [Manipulation] - [Reset Account].
  3. Click [Yes] and confirm [OK] in the message "Reset completed."

    The list of computers remains unchanged, even after the reset completion.

Check on the domain server that the TeraStation has joined the domain properly.

The access restriction does not function properly.

The following restrictions apply.
Download the manual and refer to it.

  • Some usernames have no access.
  • There is a restriction of password length.
Under certain connection methods, the access restriction becomes invalid.

Neither the FTP connection nor the Web Access allows the access restriction for domain users and groups.
It is limited to local users and groups.
When a user is logged in to a Windows PC with another user not logged out yet, the access restriction may not function properly.
Log out.
The available access restriction for the TeraStation is limited to what can be set in Settings.

For a Windows PC, an access restriction cannot be set via security setup for files and folders.
A proper functioning of the access restriction has been interrupted and there is no more access. The domain participation may have been released.
Log in to the set-up menu, and click the "save" button in the domain setup menu.

When the AD server cannot be accessed at the TeraStation start-up, there is no synchronization with AD.

Unless an improvement is to be seen, try to initialize the setup.
A network initialization may bring an improvement.



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