[Answer ID: 14606]
How to: Create additional Wireless Interface (Professional Firmware).
Created 08/07/2012 16:24 | Updated 09/07/2012 14:36
To crate multiple WLAN SSID's, use the virtual wireless interfaces feature in Professional firmware.
This guide will outline the steps required to crate additional wireless Interface.
1- Use a web browser and login to administrators/Management WEB UI (
2- Go to Wireless | Wireless Security tab. Click Add button to add a new Virtual Wireless Interface .
3- Set Wireless Mode to Access Point and assign a SSID. Next, Click Save .
4- Go to Wireless | Wireless Security to enable Wireless Security. Change Wireless Security mode , by selecting a security mode from drop down menu.
Next , Select wireless encryption method and encryption key.
5- Click Apply Settings.
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