[Answer ID: 16387]

AirStation's Network USB cannot be used after installing Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

Created 12/14/2017 08:42  |   Updated 12/14/2017 09:03

It makes SMBv1 invalid that rebooting your PC just after installing Windows 10 Fall Creators Update on and not using SMBv1 during 15 days. Therefore, an USB device attached to the AirStation cannot be made available to the network.

Make SMBv1 valid to use Network USB, following the procedures below.

  1. Click [Windows]logo - [Windows System] - [Control Panel].
  2. On Control Pnel, Select [Category] as "view by" and then click [Programs].
  3. Click [Turn Windows Features On/Off].
  4. Check [SMB1.0/CIFS File Shareing Support].
  5. Reboot your PC.



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