[Answer ID: 9761]

When UPS is shut down due to a power failure, does TeraStation automatically recover when the power is restored?

Created 02/15/2011 14:53  |   Updated 09/22/2011 15:28
If the TeraStation is set to use UPS recovery function, then the UPS will restart
the TeraStation when power supply is restored.。
Set synchronize with UPS to use UPS recovery in advance.
Refer here for how to configure the UPS setting.
  1. In the Web Admin interface, navigate to [System]-[Power Management]-[UPS Settings].
  2. Click [Modify Settings].
  3. Select [synchronize with UPS connected to this TaraStation] for [Synchronization with UPS]
    Select [Enable] for [UPS Recovery function]
  4. Click [save].

    Now the UPS recovery function is set.



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